
Foot Ball.


The following extracts from a private letter from a Princeton man will be of interest to all interested in the outcome of the championship contest.

"Last Wednesday I saw Yale play. They played a quick game and unfair in the highest degree. They do not put the ball in play right even in the centre of the field and when the half-backs run the rushers run ahead and interfere with the tacklers. They tackle poorly, one Rutgers halfback making a touchdown through the whole Yale rush line. They ought to have scored only 40 points, but the Rutgers back, a little man who was scared to death, when the ball was kicked over the back line, would walk up to the ball and pick at it with his hands drawing it away. As soon as he had touched it Yale dropped on it and made a touchdown.

Our team played the University of Pennsylvania and beat them 31 to 0. We would have beaten them more but for the referee. We had three touchdowns which were not allowed. Pennsylvania did not once have the ball inside of our 25-yard line through the excellent play of our backs, Baker and Lamar, who are playing beautifully. I don't understand how the University of Pennsylvania beat Harvard. I do not think Harvard plays with enough head, or rough enough. This year the player and ball must be held before it is down and a team will have to throw and jump on top of the men instead of tackling the ball. We play Lafayette on Wednesday and Stevens on Saturday and have games arranged for almost every Wednesday and Saturday this season. We are making a great effort and, if Moffat comes out, will surely win the championship.
