
Fact and Rumor.

There was a lecture in N. H. 5 yesterday.

The fourth number of the Advocate will appear tomorrow.

Cox, '87, of the Yale eleven, college champion of the hammer throw, weighs 270 lbs.

There will be a meeting of the Society of Christian Brethren this evening in 10 Stoughton at 6.45 P. M.

Hon. Chauncey M. Depew delivered a stirring Republican address to the students at Yale on Tuesday evening.


Hopkins and Snow beat Rhinelander and Tooker 6-2, 2-6; 6-4; then beat Presbrey and Sawin, 6-4, 6-1, 6-4, thus winning the tournament for doubles.

All who are to parade tonight must make it a special point to report at the appointed rendezvous on time. Any tardiness will cause great annoyance.

The Harvard Union Debate last evening was well attended and highly interesting. A more extended report will be given in our next issue.

The Freshmen defeated Adams Academy yesterday afternoon by a score of 69 points to 0. A detailed account of the game will be published tomorrow.

The Total Abstinence man suggests that the students, i. e. the wise virgins, fill their "black bottles" with kerosene, that their lamps may always be trimmed.

The uniforms have all arrived and give universal satisfaction. The uniform of the Police Squad is generally awarded the first position for originality and generally bewildering effect.

All those who are to march in tonight's parade and who will be in front of Sever at 1.30 today, can have their photographs taken free. Members of the band and drum corps are requested to bring their instruments.

Members of '87 and '88 are requested to get their uniforms at Brine's as soon as possible this morning.

All who desire to accompany the freshman eleven to Andover on Saturday are requested to sign today at Bartletts. If 35 names are signed before 4 o'clock the fare will be 70 cents round trip. Train leaves Boston and Main depot at 12,30.

The following men have been elected as members of the Everett Athenaeum : G. Cunningham, H. W. Stevens. A. S. Knight, H. G. Hale, G. P. Knapp, J. P. Blake, W. H. Black, H. Schofield, C. S. Proctor, J. L. Ames, A. H. Osgood, W. B. Howe, L. Luce.
