
Fact and Rumor.

There have been three cuts in Spanish 1.

French 1 will recite today at 3 P. M. in Sever 11 and not in Sever 35.

The Rutgers foot ball team, it is said, will be unusually light this year.

A course is to be surveyed on the Charles for the Canoe Club.

Fully two thirds of the junior class of Yale were conditioned in Analytics.


The average weight of the Yale team will be about a hundred and sixty-three pounds

Two members of the Harvard Canoe Club visited the Rangeley lakes this summer.

Sedgwick, '82 and Kemp, '83, were out in the foot ball field yesterday afternoon.

During the summer vacation some new portraits were hung up on the wall of Memorial.

The intercollegiate tennis tournament takes place at Hartford, Wednesday, October 8.

Terry of the Yale foot ball team has been ill, but is expected to be able to play soon.

A bright sophomore calls his lazy Memorial Hall waiter "a Virginia creeper."

Wesleyan University in Wednesday's game was defeated by the Yale foot ball team by a score of 31 to 0.

Dr McCosh, of Princeton, has issued a circular asking the advice of parents in the government of their sons.

From present appearances the Freshmen will have a much better base ball than foot ball team.-Yale News.

It is probable that at the junior meeting tonight some action will be taken with regard to the torchlight procession.

After this week no one will be allowed to use the college tennis courts without exhibiting a certificates of membership.

Yesterday a student exhibited a barber's handbill for admission to Memorial Hall, and was politely admitted by the door keeper.

Walter C. Camp witnessed the practice of the Yale team on Saturday, and expressed himself as well pleased with the outlook.

The candidates for the University crew took an eight to ten mile walk yesterday afternoon, instead of taking their customary row.

It is hoped that all Freshmen who play ball will give attention to Captain Fargo's request, printed on the fourth page,

It is reported that the faculty want to tax the athletic association five dollars for every game played on the University grounds.-[Princetonian.

The College of Liberal Arts, Boston University, has organized an athletic association, and intends to put a foot ball team, and a base ball nine in the field.

The Amherst nine as made up this fall is as follows: Harris, s.s.; Kimball, 2 b.; Stuart, c. f,; Marble, 3 b.; Stearns, c.; Davidson, 1 b.; Stevens, r. f,; Coates, l. f.; Keating, p.

The section in History 1 has been so much enlarged by additions from the Freshman class, as to fill the recitation room in Dane Hall to overflowing.

Sherman Hoar '82, the nephew of the famous champion of Blaine, Senator George F. Hoar, has been very popular this fall as a stump speaker for Cleveland.

Let every member of '88 who intends to try for the nine be present at the meeting in the captain's room tonight, and by his presence encourage the captain, and show that '88 is in earnest in base ball matters this year.
