EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON :-Permit me to propose through your columns the organization of an intercollegiate oratorical association. The field of sports and general athletics seems to be the only place where our colleges meet on friendly rivalry. If a contest of representative orators from the colleges were held each year, about the middle of the winter or just before spring comes, it would not interfere with athletics, while it would bring in competition the intellectual forces for our schools. Each college could have a yearly contest just before the Christmas holidays. The orator judged best at the home contest would represent his college in a contest of all the colleges joining the association. The inter-collegiate meeting could then occur in February or March.
An inter-collegiate meeting association like this should be thoroughly organized, it should have a president, a corresponding secretary and such other officers and such committees as may be necessary to conduct its affairs. The earnest co-operation of a number of colleges is necessary to insure its success. Let each college have a meeting of those students who are interested in public speaking and determine upon some action with reference to the early organization of such an association.
Matthews says : "Of all the efforts of the human mind, there is no one which demands for its success so rare a union of mental gifts as eloquence." Would not those efforts be commendable whose object it is to cultivate in our fellow students an ambition to excel in oratory ? I trust others of the students will express their opinions of this proposition.
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