
The Procession.

The college procession which is to march on Thursday night, Oct. 30th will form on North Charles street, above Cambridge street near the jail. The college will probable march in the second division, commanded by Col. W. A. Bancroft. This will give the college a position in the second quarter of the procession. The procession will form by classes in column of eight. The marshals have appointed a number of captains from each class, who are to assist in getting the men into line.

The marshals will march at the head of their respective classes. The order of the procession will be as follows :

Police force.

Drum Corps.

Senior Class.


Junior Class.

College Band.

Sophomore Class.

Freshman Class.

Band, (If it is decided to hire one.)

Law School.

Medical School.

Scientific School and other

Graduate Departments ;



A few carriages containing undergraduates will probably be permitted to go immediately after the Junior class, but no carriages will be allowed here unless bearing transparencies or provided with fire works, and special permission must be obtained from the chief marshal or the committee.

Further particulars will be given in a later issue.

J. J. STORROW, JU.Chief Marshal.

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