The Rev. E. E. Hale preached last night in Appleton Chapel.
Mr. Ferris has already begun his sparring lessons at the gymnasium.
A foot ball game will be played with Trinity tomorrow at 3.30 on Jarvis Field.
Yale defeated Dartmouth at Hanover, N. H., yesterday at football. Score 113 to 0.
The Christmas vacation at Yale will be for three weeks from December 18 to January 8.
The second number of the Lampoon, just out, is fully up to the first in wit and illustration.
There will be an early dinner at 5 o'clock today at Memorial for members of the drum corps.
Colonel Austin C. Wellington of the first regiment will be chief marshal of the big procession on Thursday.
It is rumored that all the student organizations will be placed in a special division of the torchlight procession.
The Technology regiment in the torchlight procession on Thursday will have the services of the Boston Cadet Band.
There will be a one hour examination in Philosophy 1 on November 8. No mark will be given and the exercise is voluntary.
Princeton defeated the University of Pennsylvania at football on Saturday at Philadelphia, by a score of 31 to 0.
On Cambridge Common, Saturday, the Cambridge high school eleven beat Dummer Academy foot ball team by 12 to 4.
Full particulars for the parade, Thursday evening, received too late for publication, will appear in tomorrow's issue.
Members of '88 and '87 who have not been measured for uniforms should leave measures immediately at J. W. Brine's. Suits will be ready Tuesday.
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