The great meeting of the senior class to elect their permanent and Class Day officers was held in Boylston Hall last night. At 7 o'clock the chairman selected for the meeting, Mr. W. A. Halbert, called the class to order. The rules as published yesterday morning were adopted and the class then proceeded to the elections. These went off very smoothly, there being little friction and the result as given on the first page. Several of the gentlemen were elected by acclamation. As the election took several hours, the class adjourned for a few minutes at 9.30 and partook of a light lunch provided from the class fund. After the class committee was elected it was moved to add to the class day officers the photographic committee. The election of photographer then came up and after considerable discussion James Notman of Boston was elected. It was voted to sustain the general committee on torchlight procession in their action in regard to uniforms, and to thank the chairman for his services. The meeting then adjoined at 12.50, after cheering for '85, and the marshals of the class.
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Ninety-Six Football Notice.