
Fact and Rumor.

The second number of the Lampoon will appear today.

Election of Director from '88 at Memorial, Thursday, October 30, at dinner.

A war college has just been established on Coaster's Island, in Newport harbor.

The Williams College football team beat Trinity College team at Williamstown, 51 points to 0.

Some of the freshman club tables at Memorial have become conspicuous by their boisterous behavior.


Yale proposes to have a systematic and thorough canvass of the college for presidential preferences.

There are thirty women in the Freshman Class of the medical department of the University of Michigan.

The practice lacrosse game on Saturday will be played with the Cambridge club. Play will begin at 3 P. M.

It is claimed that Hamilton of Yale, '86, has over $2,000 worth of prizes which he has taken in bicycle races.

The Chicago Correspondence University now issues a periodical called the Correspondence University Journal.

The first field meeting of the Shooting club will probably be held on some day in the latter part of next week.

The reserved books in Political Economy in Alcove 10 have been arranged in alphabetical order according to the authors.

Numerous colds. and a perceptibly diminished attendance at prayers resulted from the Cleveland parade of Wednesday

The Law School Independent Cleveland and Hendricks club are to be credited with one of the most striking uniforms of the campaign.

The seniors are to have the right of the line in the coming parade, uniformed in crimson gowns and, of course, the time-honored beavers.

It should be stated that the transparencies for the coming parade need not necessarily deal with the political situation; any college hits are not only legitimate, but desirable.

It would not be a bad idea for the Canoe Club to hold "smokers" during the winter, similar to those of the Bicycle Club. Canoeists are proverbially fond of meeting and "yarning" about their exploits.

We used to say that tennis was only fit for the delicate Harvard man. Can it be that Yale grows mild ? We'll defer the answer until we see the eleven play.-[Record.

Yale beat Rutgers at football at New Brunswick Wednesday, 75 points to 10, Rutgers made the largest score against Yale that has been made for years. She scored the first goal against Yale made in two years.

The Princeton men are very confident in their hopes of victory for their eleven. The Yale Record, however, anent a recent editorial in a Princeton paper, grimly remarks that foot ball games are not won on paper.

The Yale Athletic Association has decided to omit the customary class tugs-of-war from the coming field meeting, from lack of funds to furnish prizes. This decision is strongly condemned by the students, who are fond of the class rivalry.

Harvard calls it lack of interest when only 100 men come out to witness the football practice on Jarvis Field. How shall we characterize that condition of feeling which impels less than a half a dozen spectators to the Yale Field every afternoon? -[Yale Record.

The next meeting of the Harvard Union will occur Wednesday evening, Oct. 29. Subject for debate: Resolved, that the best interest for the country demand the success of the Democratic party in the coming presidential election. Debaters: Aff. H. M. Sewall, L. S. and O. R. Hansen, '85; Neg. C. R. Saunders, L. S. and E. T. Sanford, '85.
