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EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON:-The uniforms, hats and torches of the senior class will cost from $2.50 to $3. Many members of the class, thinking this amount too great to expend for a frolic have refused to enter the procession, which, for this reason, is likely to be a smaller one than in any previous year. Others do not approve of uniforms, who think that the motley appearance of the Harvard squad, when each person provided his own rigout, was the unique feature and great attraction of previous processions. When the committee was appointed to provide uniforms, many in the class supposed that hats, torches and perhaps a few class colors were all that was intended, while others supposed a very cheap cape would be provided. In view of these considerations we beg the committee not to order the uniforms until definite action has been taken by the class at the next meeting. The above arguments do not apply to the sophomore and freshman classes, as their outfit will be cheaper and they have other reasons for desiring to be distinguished from each other. '85.
