EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON-I hope it is not too late to make a suggestion through your columns, in regard to the uniform of the drum corps. In the first place I think that whatever the uniform is, the prevailing color should be red, or crimson, the college color, rather than blue. It has always been the aim of the Harvard men in the torch light processions to make their dress as odd and striking as possible ; the class uniforms this year are no exception to this rule. Now a zouave uniform (the uniform which has been proposed for the drum corps) may certainly be pretty and tasty, but there is nothing funny or inceptive about it. A number of organizations will undoubtedly wear zouave uniforms, though perhaps not of the same colors as have been proposed for that of the drum corps ; indeed almost any night there can be seen right here in the Square two companies dressed in zouave uniforms. If some dress more odd could be chosen, as has been the case of the class uniforms, I think it would be tetter. There is still one more point on which I wish to say a word. It is the question of hats. In past years Harvard men have always worn ply hats. These have been the distinctive mark of students in the procession, and this year, also, the tall hat forms a part of the class uniforms. I am very strongly in favor of having the drum corps wear plug hats also. Every one of us, I think, wants to march as a Harvard man distinctly, and this distinction should be shown in some striking way in our uniform. There is no better way to do this than by wearing the old traditional "plug hat." I see no reason why some of us, because we happen to march in the drum corps rather than with our classes, should not have the satisfaction of doing what all Harvard men before this have done in the torchlight processions ; viz : wear a funny uniform and a tall hat.
I make these suggestions with a great deal of hesitation, and were it not that I known that I voice the sentiments of others besides myself, I should keep silent. I hope that the members of the drum corps will be allowed to state their preferences.
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