Two members of the Senior class, Mr. Gardiner and Mr. Storer obtained from the office in U. 5 a complete list of all students over 21 in the four regular classes. By taking the votes of these men from the returns of the late canvass, 122 were found to be for Cleveland, 119 for Blaine, 10 for St. John. and 12 with no choice. as the vote of the Law School is 85 for Cleveland and 50 for Blaine ; that of the Medical School, 99 for Cleveland 93 for Blaine ; the Divinity School, 13 for Blaine and 3 for Cleveland, the plurality for Cleveland from the students in these three departments is 28. As most of the men in these departments are voters, it would leave Cleveland, with the addition of 3 from the college proper, a considerable plurality of voters in Harvard University. It was discovered that a mistake had been made in addition. The original vote of the entire senior class was 96 for Cleveland and 69 for Blaine, and not 95 to 58 as first announced. This corrected vote should therefore appear on the transparency of the senior class.
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