There was a short examination in N. H. 5 yesterday.
The P. K., a new freshmen society bids fair to become very popular.
The foot ball game that was to be played yesterday with Trinity, was given up.
Gen. Daniel Pratt delivered another stirring campaign speech for Blaine at Memorial.
The freshmen are busily engaged plundering street lamps for '88'5 to adorn their rooms.
The foot ball game with the University of Pennsylvania on Wennesday will be called at 3.30 P. M.
The University of Pennsylvania football manager has sent word that his team cannot play here to-morow.
The meeting of the senior class which was to have been held last night is postponed until Thursday evening.
Hereafter the themes in English 12 will be criticised by the members of the section after changing by lot.
Wwsselhoeft, M. S., has recovered from his sprained ankle, and played with the eleven-yesterday afternoon.
About twenty members of the N. Y. University chapter of the Alpha Delta Phi society camped together during the summer vacation.
The Cornell Athletic Association will hold their fall race meeting the same day that the H. A. A. meet is to be held, next Saturday.
At Princeton the game of baseball between the freshmen and sophomores, resulted in a victory for the freshmen, for the first time in eleven years.
At the interscholastic tennis tournament between Exeter and Andover, the doubles were won by the former and the single championship by the latter.
There is an '88 club table in Memorial, which devours infants' food in enormous quantities. Bread and molasses is the staple article of diet, while milk enough is drunk the float the U. S. Navy.
A canvass of Wellesley College shows that the presidential preference of 388 fair voters were as follows : Blaine, 288, Cleveland, 52, St. John, 47, Belva Lockwood, 1. Sixty-five students did not vote.
The CRIMSON was represented by the following editors and ex-editors : Hamilton and Storrow, '87, Austin, Houghton, Frye, Gardiner, '86, Parker, Carpenter, Hansen, Williams, '85, and by Mr. Pierson, '85.
The Trinity Eleven telegraphed up to Mr. French, the manager of our eleven, that they could not come yesterday. Not only our eleven but many students were much disappointed in consequence.
The DAILY CRIMSON Eleven yesterday met defeat on Jarvis field, at the hands of the Argonauts of '87. The score stood at the end of the first half hour 4 to 0 for the sophomores, and at the end of the game 12 to nothing in their favor. The players of the successful eleven were Weistling, Russell, Loud, Fletcher, Faulkner, Austin, De Vean, Carmault, Stedman, Emery, and Stedman.
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