Less than 150 men attended the meeting of the Athletic Association in Holden, last evening. In the absence of President Coolidge, '84, the meeting was called to order by Mr. Atkinson, '85. The reports of Mr. R. D. Smith, '86, the secretary, and Mr. Atkinson, '85. the treasurer, were read and accepted. Mr. Smith then read the report of the retiring president, Mr. Coolidge.
The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows. President, C. H. Atkinson, '85; vice-president, A. T. French, '85; treasurer, R. D. Smith, Jr., '86; secretary, H. L. Clark, '87.
A motion was passed that a committee of three is appointed by the chair to audit the accounts of the treasure; the executive committee was also authorized to deal with the recommendations of President Coolidge relative to betting by members of the association. A detailed analysis of the treasurer's report will be published later.
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