A club table can be accommodated at Mrs. Sawyer's, 29 Holyoke street.
The stock of pianos formerly at No. 11 Brattle street has been removed to the anteroom of Roberts Hall.
One thousand tall hats for torchlight parade are ready for sale, at 25c. each, at J. F. Noera's, 436 Harvard street.
Correct styles in garments for young men, at moderate prices, can be obtained of H. L. Hurlbut, Tailor. 125 Tremont Street.
Teaching in Classics by a graduate who has had several years experience in teaching. Address A. L. H., 1 Rowe street, Cambridge.
Billy Fraser, Light Weight Champion of New England, the popular teacher of sparring, will receive communications addresses to New Church St., Somerville, Mass.
Collins and Fairbanks, hatters, have a large stock of old "plug" hats for campaign purposes, which they are selling at 30 cents each. Call and choose. Letters painted to order.
Mr. Alfred E. haserick, of Common-wealth Avenue, Boston, has recently passed the Entrance Examinations at Christ Church College, Oxford, and been admitted as a Commoner, He was prepared by Dr. E. R. Humphreys of Chester Park, Boston.
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