The University of Michigan is to be congratulated on the prospect of coming into possession of the important gallery of paintings, marbles, and bronzes collected by the late Henry C. Lewis, of Cold water, in that state. An inspection of the Catalogue shows that the collection consists of 18 marbles, 47 bronzes, 97 portraits, 135 copies of celebrated pictures, and 436 original paintings by modern artists. Of great interest are the historical portraits nearly all of which are of persons who have been prominent in American political affairs. Among the modern artists represented by important works in the collection are Gerome, Schreyer, Bouguereau, Van Marcke, Verboeck-hoven, Coomans, De Haas, Constant, and Richter. The pictures by Bouguereau, Schreyer, Van Marcke, Constant, and Verboeckhoven are among the most notable works of these artists. -[Nation.]
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