
Cleveland Meeting.

Mr. Sewall, L. S., called the meeting to order and stated its purpose. Storrow, '85, was then appointed chairman, and Hansen '85 secretary.

Mr. Russell. '77, stated that the feeling of the younger graduates of Harvard is an intense one, and that they cannot be true to principles taught them at college without taking a strong stand against Blaine. Mr. Waite, L. S., said that they ought to support President Eliot, and not allow the outside world to think him alienated in political opinion from the entire body of students for the sake of mere unanimity, when, in fact, no unanimity really exists. Sewall, L. S., stated that they should do for Cleveland what they have already done for Blaine : they should parade in the Cleveland procession and make it a political event. It was moved and carried that they march in the Schurz procession next Wednesday ; that a committee of three be appointed to draw up an address stating the political position of the meeting, to be signed by all Cleveland and Hendricks men, and to be sent to the two democratic candidates. As the Medical School is in favor of Cleveland, it was moved and carried that an invitation to join in the procession be sent to it.

Messrs. Storrow, Atkinson, and Borland were elected 1st, 2nd, and 3rd marshals of the Independents in the Wednesday procession. The 1st marshal of the Law School was elected chief marshal. It was moved and carried that the senior committee be asked to postpone the day for election of class officers ; that the brass band and drum corps be invited to join in the procession.

Messrs. Hodges, a former instructor at Harvard, Sexton, Russell, '77 Ranney, '83, Bowen, 11 '85, Atkinson, '85, Waite, L. S., Warner, '82, Vogel, '86, Panlin, '85, Sewall, L. S., Gardiner, '85, Williams, '85, Elliot, '84, all took part in the discussion, which lasted until ten o'clock. The committee of eight on resolutions was given full power to carry out all the resolutions passed. The meeting throughout was a most enthusiastic one.
