We have received a communication from a gentleman who regrets that the standing committee of arrangements for the torchlight procession have decided to allow individual transparencies to be carried. He fears that as the college is so evenly divided there will be about as many transparencies reflecting on Blaine as on Cleveland, and therefore hardly suitable for a Republican procession. The gentleman, however, probably never had the pleasure of witnessing the Harvard delegation in any of the presidential processions, and consequently does not appreciate the meaning of individual transparencies. The wit which is displayed on such transparencies does not confine itself to the small field of national and state politics, but goes out into broader paths and caricatures college customs, and we regret to add, college professors. These transparencies add very much to the originality of the Harvard delegation and are often hailed with delight by the observers. To give them up would take away the best part of our procession and would be regretted by almost everyone.
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