The annual meeting of the Intercollegiate Foot Ball Associetion was held in New York on Wednesday. Mr. Richards and Mr. Camp appeared for Yale, Messrs. Bird and Harriman for Princeton, and Messrs. Kimball and French for Harvard. Mr. Richards alled the meeting to order and Mr. French was elected secretary and treasurer. The following amendments were made to the rules :
1. A fair catch can be made behind one's own goal.
2. At the second warning for intentional offside play the player is disqualified. The games were arranged for the following dates : Harvard vs. Princeton, in Cambridge, November 15 ; referee, L. K. Hull, of Yale. Harvard vs. Yale, in New Haven, November 22 ; referee, A. Moffat of Princeton. Yale vs. Princeton, in New York, Thanksgiving Day ; referee, R. M. Appleton, of Harvard.
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Scratch Races.