The Union was called to order last night with President Halbert in the chair. The large attendance present gives promise of a year of great interest in the society. The question before the house was, -"Resolved, That party fealty cease when unfit nominations are made." The principal disputants were : affirmative, Jennings, '85, and W. B. Scofield, '87 ; negative, Whitman, L. S., Batten, '85
The secret ballot on the arguments of the question resulted in a vote of-affirmative, 72 ; negative, 35.
The following gentlemen spoke from the floor : Nessrs. Fraser, '86 ; Abbot, '85 ; McArthur, '85 ; Richardson, '86 ; Davis, '85 ; Harrison, '88 ; Merriam, '86, Harwood, '88 ; Noble, '85 ; Hansen, '85 ; Strong, '85 ; Love, '88 ; F. S. Palmer, '87 ; Rich, '87 ; Hurd, '86 ; Pres. Halbert, '85.
The ballot on the argument of the principal disputants resulted in a vote of-affirmative, 36 ; negative, 132. That of the argument as a whole-affirmative, 25 ; negative, 37.
The meeting was one which showed an intense interest in the present political campaign, but proved of more partisan than abstract value. We would recommend a closer adherence to the question in the future debates of the Union. The question selected for debate at the next meeting was, -"Resolved, That the best interests of the country require the success of the democratic party in the coming election."
The result of the canvass of the college resulted in a total vote of 1,001 : of these Blaine received 483 ; Cleveland, 462 ; St. John, 27 ; no choice, 30.
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