EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON:-The football team have played their first game and shown the college what they can do. They certainly showed up finely, and deserve all the praise they received through your columns, and all the encouragement the college can give them,
There is a great deal of work to be done this year before we can win the championship, and the college must do its share by turning out to applaud the men in their practice. The brunt of the work, however, has to be done by the team, and done faithfully. They must not allow themselves to be satisfied with the applause of the college, that is meant to encourage them to greater exertions. They should aim at perfection only, and should be far from satisfied with a game like Saturday's. They certainly played brilliantly then, and made a large score; but the other side were allowed to score also, although so inferior to our team. The goal the Techs, kicked was got, it is true, by chance from the field, but it was a chance they should never have been allowed to have.
In their practice games this year the team must not be content with making points itself, but it must see that the other teams make none. Vigilance in guarding against accidents is of the utmost importance, and the carefulness and steadiness of play they will acquire in consequence will be their greatest hope for making a good record in the championship games.
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