
'86 Class Meeting.

The meeting of the Junior Class, held in Boylston last evening; was attended by about 100 men, who were called to order by President Barnes at 7.30. The class assembled for the purpose of making arrangements for the torchlight parade. It was voted that a distinctive class uniform should be selected. bearing the class colors, blue and white, but that the style of the uniform should be left to the discretion of a committee consisting of Messrs. Barnes, Merriam, Claflin, Winthrop. Snow, and Burnett. The class voted to wear the traditional black "stovepipe," and also, by a vote of 62 to 34, to carry a transparency bearing the vote of the class as shown by the Harvard Union canvass,-112 for Blaine, 85 for Cleveland. A motion was carried that, inasmuch as the standing of the class will be shown by this transparency the class parade as a unit. It was announced that all who saw fit might carry personal transparencies, provided that they met the approval of the standing committee, Messrs. Winslow, Williams, and Batten, '85. After moving that the committee on uniforms make its choice as speedily as possible, the meeting adjourned.
