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The college tennis tournament this autumn promises to be closer and more interesting than in former years. S. Thorn and Knapp of Yale, J. Clarke, formerly Harvard, of the University of Pennsylvania, and Brinley of Trinity, make a formidable list of players. But, if Harvard has not the powerful incentives to organized team work that some colleges enjoy, she has long since shown her ability to win in anything that is a matter of individual work. With Sears, M. S., and Taylor, '86, we are sure of the tennis championship. Mr. Sears is head and shoulders above any player in this country, except Petitt, the professional ; Mr. Taylor has this summer met and defeated almost every prominent player in the country, Knapp, Thorn, Clarke, Van Rensaeler, Brinley, Dwight, and others, and was defeated only by Mr. Sears.
