The meeting of the club was called to order at 8.15, by Vice-President Cabot, '86. At the meeting of the Boat Club, the attendance was altogether too small to reflect much credit on the college. The only business transacted was the election of officers, which resulted as follows: President and senior director, R. McCook, '85; vice-president and junior director, T. H. Cabot, '86; Sophomore director, Barclay Tilton, '87; Manager, A. French, '85. After a few words from Captain Kimball, the meeting adjourned.
Monday the appearance of the playing on Jarvis field was much more satisfactory. The number of players who presented themselves was so large that the captain was able to make a satisfactory selection. Those composing the two elevens which played were the finest looking set of men seen on the field this year and the practice was also much better than before. Several freshmen played with the first eleven and, taken altogether, '88 showed up very well. '85 was well represented; but the number of good players from '86 and '87 was small. The kicking of Holden, '88, was fine and good rushing was done by the first eleven. Further progress of this sort is to be hoped for.
Tuesday the number of men was not quite as large as on the preceding day but the play was fairly good. Several new men came out, Fargo, Adams and Cabot '88, Harrington '85 and Sawer, L. S. E. Kent '83, formerly a university player of note, who has been travelling in Europe, has reentered the Law School. He came out yesterday for a few minutes and signified his intention of training and trying for the team. The best playing was done by the left wing of the rush line of first team, Adams, end, Simpkins, J. E. Thayer and Homans. These men worked together better than any men have done as yet and there was some semblance of team play in it.
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