
Fact and Rumor.

Mr. E. A. Hibbard, '84, has entered the second year in the Law school.

The class in Freshman prescribed French will meet today at 9, in Sever 19.

Plans are being made at Amherst for a Blaine and Logan procession this fall.

The first lecture in Physics 8 will be given in the main lecture room of the new physical laboratory at 9.

It is said that the Institute of Technology will place a very strong football team in the field this fall.


Prof. Dunbar will continue his lectures in Political Economy 6 and 8, but not in Political Economy 2.

Mr. H. A. Taylor, '86, has been placed in the first class, at the Longwood handicap tournament with Dr. Dwight.

The social celebrations of Monday night were many and noisy. '88 exhibits unmistakable signs of being here.

The field meeting of the Dartmouth Athletic Association, will be held October 1 and 2. The programme is very extensive.

Out of forty-nine men who tried the anticipatory examination in Sophomore Rhetoric, only seventeen obtained the 70 per cent. necessary to pass.

The general average of the Amherst nine, places Amherst at the head of the college league in that respect. Amherst leads Yale by three-tenths of one per cent.

Daily practice has been commenced at Princeton in order to fill the vacancies in last year's football team. Five of last year's team remain. For the remaining places on the eleven the competition is close and the pracice games are exciting.

Hon. W. T. Welcker. California's State superintendent of public schools, has recently decided that Chinese children cannot become pupils of the public schools, public education being intended under the constitution of the State only for those who can become citizens. There are nearly 1500 Chinese children in San Francisco alone.

The Dartmouth on the elective system of Harvard: For a man with strong talents for one particular science or art, or for him who has mapped in detail his life for years to come, and can call to his assistance the ablest advice in making his selections of studies, the Harvard elective system offers a premium for laziness, and a position among a large and noted alumni at almost no small exertion.
