The notice given in our yesterday's issue of the Boat Club meeting, last night, attracted an assembly of less than 100 men.
At 7.45, President Sexton, '84, called the meeting to order. The report of Secretary Delano was read and accepted, as was the report of Treasurer French, which will be published in detail at a later date.
The election of officers resulted as follows, all the nominees being chosen by acclamation: President, A. T. French, '85; vice-president, G. L. Winthrop, '86; secretary, F. S. Parker, '86; treasurer, W. R. Wilson, '86. On motion of Mr. Hansen, '85, the following resolutions were passed by the club:
First,-that no class crew shall row as a crew more than once daily, except by the unanimous consent of the four crew captains.
Second,-that no class crews shall adopt any other than the regular "Harvard" stroke.
Third,-that the class races shall be rowed on the first of May, or near as that date as the tides permit.
On motion of Mr. Hansen, it was decided to tender a complimentary dinner to the crew. Mr. Storrow, '85, captain of the crew, made a few remarks on the subject of training, and asked for the moral as well as the financial support of the college. Mr. Sexton, '84, spoke of the difficulty of obtaining proper financial support, and expressed his surprise at the smallness of the meeting. On motion of Mr. Sexton it was decided that the executive committee should have full power to act on matters of minor importance. After cheering the crew and Captain Storrow, and passing resolutions of thanks to Mr. French for his services as treasurer, the meeting adjourned.
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