

According to the Lancet, "brain tension is not a proof of strength but of weakness. The knit brow, straining eyes, and fixed attention of the scholar are not tokens of power, but of effort. The intellectual man with a strong mind does his brain work easily. Tension is friction, and the moment the toil of a growing brain becomes laborious it should cease. We are, unfortunately, so accustomed to see brain work done with effort that we have come to associate effort with work, and to regard tension as something tolerable, if not natural. As a matter of fact no man should ever knit his brow as he thinks, or in any way evince effort as he works. The best brainwork is done easily; with a calm spirit, an equable temper and in a jaunty mood. All else is the toil of a weak or ill-developed brain straining to accomplish a task which is relatively too great for it."
