

No Headline

We have recently seen a copy of the New Haven Palladium in which is printed the following item: "We are sorry to see in the Yale News the statement that the 'Varsity' are doing so and so. This is a Harvardism. But if we must affect something, surely some other place than Harvard should be copied from." The use of "Varsity" as an abbreviation for "University," when the term is applied to crews and teams representative of the college and professional schools, is not by any means a Harvardism, but, as all college men know, it is the word used by the students of Oxford and Cambridge to designate the crews which are picked from the various colleges and represent the entire university. The word, however, is not used exclusively at Harvard, but is common to all American colleges, being often the means employed to distinguish the college crew from the special crews of the undergraduate classes. But, aside from the correctness of this criticism, why should Harvard not be copied by other colleges? We are always ready, here at Cambridge, to copy anything that seems worthy of imitation, no matter what its source, and we fail to understand why Yale should be debarred the privilege of following our example if we happen to have any institutions which surpass theirs in efficiency. This intermeddling with college affairs by papers of the class to which the Palladium belongs, can be productive of no good to college interests, and should be frowned own by undergraduate opinion everywhere.
