Tutoring in Spanish 1. The Gil Blas and Historia de Grecia will be translated Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, at 880 Main street.
Lost.-Last week, a pair of beaver gloves. Finder will confer a favor by returning the same to 44 Gray's.
Lost-A plain stylographic pen, on the way from North A venue to Unversity Hall, on Thursday afternoon. Please return to C. R. Saunders, 50 North Avenue.
For experienced tutor in German I, IV. Address "G." 26 Holyoke street.
Tutoring Chem. 1, Nat. Hist. 3 and History 12. Harrington, 14 Trowbridge street.
Tutoring in Latin 1. C.B. Gleason, 10 College House.
A. E. A. Godnefrin, teacher of French. No. 40 Montgomery street. Boston,
Mr. E. J. Ferris, has finally consented to take classes in sparring to consist of four members each. Terms: twenty-four lessons (private) $20; twenty-four lessons (in classes) $15. Those wishing to enter the winter sports should commence at once. Hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M., over Ramsav's drug store
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English 6.