

With the exception of forty-two shares of railroad stock, his deposits in the Cambridge Savings Bank, and the income of certain other shares held in trust, all the property of the late professor has been bequeathed to the college. His books will form part of the library, and the remaining property will be, at his request, called the Constantius fund. This fund is manned after his paternal uncle, Canstantius the Sinaite, and its object is two-fold. Half the income is to be devoted to buying Greek, Latin and Arabic books, bor ooks explaining or illustrating such named books; the other half to go to the catalogue department of the general library. He also provided for the publication of any unprinted manuscripts left by him and of new editions of his Greek lexicons. These are only to be published if the president and fellows think best, and they are to be paid for from the income of The Constantius fund. The other be quests are private. The will was written in December 1880 and a small codical correcting mistakes was added in April 1881. Mr. Francis E. Parker is the executor.
