

The annual convention was held at the Fifth-avenue Hotel on December 27. Five colleges were represented: Bowdoin by R. I. Tompso; Cornell by Carl A. Raht and F. G. Schofield; Princeton by C. W. Bird; wesleyan by T. R. Hoyt; and the University of Pennsylvania by Clemens Jones and W. McP. Homer. The following gentlemen were elected as officers for the ensuing year: C. W. Bird of Princeton, president; R. I. Thompson of Bowdoin, vice-president; C. Jones of Pennsylvania, secretary; F. G. Schofield of Cornell, treasurer; and W. G. Reed of Bowdion, R. L. Hart of Pennsylvania, and W. W. downs of Wesleyan, regatta committee. The regatta committee was empowered to select judges and a referee. A communication from Saratoga offered to the various crews free transportation to and board at the place, provided the regatta should be rowed on Saratoga take on July 4. This offer was accepted. It was further decided that the championship race should be a fouroared oared shell race, one mile and a half straightaway. A single shell race was determined upon, and the committee was empowered to decide whether there should be any other races. The committee was authorized to admit any college crew to the race on thirty days' notice before the event, such an entry being regarded as equivalent to that college joining the association. The convention then adjourned.
