

The second annual meeting of the Inter-Collegiate Press Association was held at Cambridge on Thursday, Dec. 27. The following papers were represented: The Acta Columbiana by Mr.Anderson; The Brunonian by Messrs. Wakeman, Green and Gough; The University Magazine; The Amherst Student by Mr. Parker, and the HERALDCRIMSON by Mr. Hobbs and Mr. Norton. The other papers belonging to the I. P. A. were unable to send delegates. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Parker, the vice-president. A letter was read from Mr. J. K. Bangs, the president, regretting his absence. No new members had applied for election, but means were taken, by which it is hoped other papers will be induced to join. The following officers were elected : Pres., Mr. Wakeman; vice-president, Mr. Norton; secretary, The Williams Athenaeum; board of reference, the president, the Amherst Student and the Acta Columbiana. The next meeting is to be held at Providence and the literary exercises for that meeting were given as follows: an oration to the Brunonian, the poem to the HERALD CRIMSON, a history of college journalism during the year to the University Magazine, and a general paper to the Michigan Chronicle. A plan was proposed and left to be perfected to a committee of two, by which the news of each college should be sent every week to a head office where all the slips of news should be gathered together and printed and remailed to the various college papers belonging to the I. P. A. The advantages of such a scheme are many, and only papers belonging to the I. P. a. can have this done. The Acta Columblana was chosen head office and the plan will go into effect immediately. As no further work remained to be done the meeting adjourned sine die at two o'clock.
