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We regret that the Yale News is not satisfied with the result of the recent conference on athletics at Harvard.-"Despite this conference," it says, "which was to bring about a better common understanding between the Harvard faculty and the students, we are of the opinion that the future action of the faculty is still 'one of those things no fellow can find out,' and we should not be surprised to find them issuing some such well-considered manifesto as that which they directed against foot-ball last fall. We most heartily congratulate ourselves that no meeting of representatives of the Yale faculty and students has been found necessary to bring about a better understanding between them on this subject of 'professionalism.' Our faculty has maintained a consistent policy which has the full support of the students, and we know just where they stand today, and feel confident that they will not change their position in a night and spring some galling restriction on our athletics without a warning."

It is truly a matter of congratulation that Yale has such a height of self-satisfaction. Nevertheless it is true that every Harvard man who reads the above quotation must feel in some slight measure the force of the criticism implied therein. We do not mean to disparage the recent conference. We hope it is only the first of many more such meetings, called to discuss both other as well as similar subjects. It is evident that there is at present little to be done by the students in the matter. We can only await the outcome of the negotiations now in progress between the various college faculties and our own. We certainly hope that the outcome of those negotiations will result in justifying the course of the Harvard faculty and at the same time in satisfying the reasonable demands of undergraduate opinion.
