

A couple of months ago we reprinted in our columns a highly sensational report from the associated press of the proceedings of some students of Davidson College, N. C. in insulting some clergymen travelling on a train with the students. An investigation of the affair was made, the result of which is now public. The Rev. Dr. A. D. Hepburn, President of the college, finds that the actual occurrence out of which the stories grew was exaggerated and misrepresented in the reporting. This conclusion is especially the case with regard to the alleged insulting behavior of students toward Methodist ministers. The result of the investigation we read is particularly gratifying to the many friends of the college, which ranks among the first in the South for scholarship and morality, as well as for the discipline which is maintained in it. At no time, it is stated, has the institution been in better condition and freer from vice or disorder. The college has a history dating back half a century, and is noted as having been the only college in the South which did not close its doors during the civil war. It is the successor of Queen's College, which was conducted before the American Revolution.
