The following conversation was overheard between two strangers who were traversing the path from Thayer and Matthews on Thursday evening. As one was very short and chubby, and both were dressed in the height of "toughness" it is supposed that they were "Life" and his editor.
"What is this?" said the smaller one.
"This is a path, my dear," was the affectionate reply.
"Why is it called a path?"
"Because people are supposed to walk in it, sweetest."
"But do they?"
"Only when there is no other better place. lovey."
"When is that?"
"About one month out of the year, darling."
"But what is the use of having such paths?"
"They are very economical, love."
"How is that?"
"All the water runs in them, dear."
"Then our dear Alma Mater is not put to the expense of putting in underground drainage, honey."
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