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The training for the Mott Haven games has begun. Already seventeen men are at work in the Gymnasium which number will soon be increased. This is a very gratifying beginning as it points to a long term of careful training and the prospect of a body of men in splendid condition when the season opens for outdoor exercise. Nor is this energy wasted. We can never be too sure of winning in the inter-collegiate games. Many things may happen to mar our chances where so many events are to be contested for, and such a variety of mishaps are to be guarded against. Moreover with the graduation of '83, a large number of last year's team left college. Soren, Kip, and Morrison, all winners last year, have left a great gap to be filled by new men. Yale has a champion bicycle rider and a fast sprint runner who will win two or three events for her. She will make every effort to increase her number of first prizes, and it behooves our men to do everything possible to keep the great cup where it is now. The large number of candidates for places is encouraging, let us hope that they keep on trying and do not stop training as soon as the novelty and excitement has worn off.
