

No Headline

Persons who use the reading-room of the library should remember that it was established for the use of all and not for the convenience of any one personally. This fact seems frequently to be forgotten. It is a habit of certain individuals to collect all the latest issues of the most popular magazines on entering the room, and then settle themselves down for a comfortable read, without a thought that they are leaving unused at the time three or four magazines which other men might like to see. It is nothing but an injustice for a man to keep a desirable magazine in his possession because he would like to read it an hour hence and fears he may not be able to get it then. This practice subjects many men to considerable annoyance and is merely a piece of selfishness on the possessor's part. The only remedy is to ask every one to be more careful in future. It is hardly possible to make any rules in this regard, and each student is forced to rely on the courtesy of those who make use of the reading room, to see that every one is given a fair chance to secure any unemployed magazines or periodicals he may desire.
