

All notices published under this head except "Lost" and "Found" notices must be paid for before insertion.

Tutoring Chem. 1, Nat. Hist. 3 and History 12. Harrington, 14 Trowbridge street.

Tutoring in Latin 1. C. B. Gleason, 10 College House.

For Rent.-50 Weld, for terms apply to janitor of building.

A. E. A. Godnefrin, teacher of French. No. 40 Montgomery street, Boston,

Have you bought that Newmarket yet? H. Landon Hurlbert, tailor, 125 Tremont street, Boston, recommends this garment as the swell coat for young men.


Mr. E. J. Ferris, has finally consented to take classes in sparring to consist of four members each. Terms: twenty-four lessons (private) $20; twenty-four lessons (in classes) $15. Those wishing to enter the winter sports should commence at once. Hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. over Ramsav's drug store
