

The Law School eight row at 3 P. M. daily.

The additional marks for History 13 arrived from Washington.

The Medical School at Princeton has been completed at a cost of $325,000.

There are three candidates for coxswain of the sophomore crew.

Trinity is introducing elective courses into her curriculum.


Prof. Cook will be in Sever 6 at 3 o'clock on Friday afternoon to answer questions in German 4.

The subscriptions to the Yale Y. M. C. A. building amount to $23,000 or $24,000.

Dr. Royce is writing a history of California in the new "American Commonwealth" series.

The Association of Amateur Oarsmen has decided to hold four and eight oar shell races at the annual regatta.

The university crew now assemble at eight every morning in front of Matthews.

The Bowdosn Orient, in a list of college cheers, credits Harvard with "Rah! Rah! Rah! S-e-e-t! Boom! A-a-h!"

The editors of the Swarthmore Phoenix are required to submit to the Faculty all manuscript intended for publication.

Lord Reay's election to the lord rectorship of the University of St. Andrew's gratifies Mr. Lowell's friends, Lord Reay having withdrawn in favor of Mr. Lowell at the first election.

The University at Munrich has 2,049 students.

Prof. Smyth, of Andover Theological Seminary, has definitely declared his unwillingness to accept the Presidency of Bowdoin College.

Hillsdale College boards the students on $2.25 a week, with room rent from 20 to 45 cents a week, and yet men will go to Harvard and Yale.

Prof. Dunbar will be at University 4 to give out the last notes in Political Economy 4 and receive blue books, on Thursday from 9.30 to 10.

The Cleveland Club expect to have the services of Baker of the Harvard University team after he gets through college. Baker is a strong player. [Ex.

Prof. Laughlin wishes the men in Political Economy 1 who have not handed in their blue books to leave them at his house, 38 Concord avenue, as soon as possible.

The portrait of Prof. Hedge, late professor of German, which was recently painted for the college, has been placed in the faculty room in University

The Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia Record hears that the Rev. Dr. John R. Paxton, formerly of Harrisburg and Washington, but now of New York, is to be the next President of Princeton.

The delegation from Paris which attended the opening of the Boston Exposition, while at Cambridge learned that "most of the students were spending their vacation in Europe to complete by use their study of the living languages."

Professor in Chemistry: "Suppose you were called to a patient who had swallowed a heavy dose of oxalic acid, what would you administer?" K-(who is preparing for the ministry, and who only takes chemistry because it is compulsory): "I would administer the Sacrament." [Ex.
