

The Law School eight row at 3 P. M. daily.

The additional marks for History 13 arrived from Washington.

The Medical School at Princeton has been completed at a cost of $325,000.

There are three candidates for coxswain of the sophomore crew.

Trinity is introducing elective courses into her curriculum.


Prof. Cook will be in Sever 6 at 3 o'clock on Friday afternoon to answer questions in German 4.

The subscriptions to the Yale Y. M. C. A. building amount to $23,000 or $24,000.

Dr. Royce is writing a history of California in the new "American Commonwealth" series.

The Association of Amateur Oarsmen has decided to hold four and eight oar shell races at the annual regatta.

The university crew now assemble at eight every morning in front of Matthews.

The Bowdosn Orient, in a list of college cheers, credits Harvard with "Rah! Rah! Rah! S-e-e-t! Boom! A-a-h!"

The editors of the Swarthmore Phoenix are required to submit to the Faculty all manuscript intended for publication.

Lord Reay's election to the lord rectorship of the University of St. Andrew's gratifies Mr. Lowell's friends, Lord Reay having withdrawn in favor of Mr. Lowell at the first election.

The University at Munrich has 2,049 students.

Prof. Smyth, of Andover Theological Seminary, has definitely declared his unwillingness to accept the Presidency of Bowdoin College.
