The new gymnasium at Amberst is nearly finished.
The attendance of a dog at chapel yesterday was noticeable.
Amherst proposes to hold a whist tournament.
The University of Texas opens this month. It has an endowment of $5,250,000.
Souther, the Yale catcher, says the nine will be as good as that of last season.
The proposed visit of an English team of amateur cricketers to America next season has been abandoned.
Nearly eighty new members have been admitted to the Boston Bicycle Club in the past two months.
No lecture today in History 9. Prof. Young will answer questions in U. 4., at 10 o'clock.
Dr. Potter, late president of Union College, has been elected president of Hobart College.
Prof. Laughlin will answer questions on Political Economy 1, in Harvard 6, at 2 today.
Henry S. Daniels, a student of the Institute of Technology, was drowned in the recent steamship disaster.
Cornell is said to be the only American University which has a chair of United States History.
The exhibition of the Union Club gymnasium in Boston on the 30 inst. will be a very interesting one.
The Sunday Herald contained an article on the University of Pennsylvania affair which is a good illustration of the feeling here in regard to it.
Oliver Wendell Holmes is preparing a life of Emerson for publication.
The Cleveland club state that they expect to have the services of Mr. Baker of our nine after he gets through college.
The Amherst Student rejoices at the prospect of a series of Greek readings modeled after those given by Professors White and Good win.
The annual meeting to decide the amateur championships of boxing and wrestling will be held on March 1st., under the auspices of the New York Athletic Club.
There were two lively "cane rushes" between the sophomore and freshman classes of Wesleyan University in the streets of Middletown Saturday. The sophomores were victorious in each case. No one was seriously injured.
If Columbia now will only issue a circular defying any and every college to play her foot-ball for the championship of the world, there would be an appropriate "second act" added to the great challenge farce. [Ex.
The athletic committee of the college faculties met on Saturday. They did not complete their business so they adjourned till the regular meeting in February, after which the matter will be laid before the faculties themselves.
The Nation, in announcing the fact that Sir William Thomson, the distinguished English scientist, will deliver a course of lectures at Johns Hopkins next fall, states that arrangements will be made by which students from other colleges may attend the course.
A coasting accident which resulted fatally is reported at Williamstown. A party of Williams students were coasting last Wednesday afternoon down Wemetery hill, and ran into the side of a stone bridge at the foot of the hill. The steerer, Nathan Gest, of the senior class, injured his head so seriously that he died in a very few minutes. Mercer, '87, was also seriously injured in the back. The accident seemed to be owing to the steersman himself, who probably lost his presence of mind.
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