

A system of training differing some what from that suggested by Mr. Myers is taken from an English paper, an authority on sporting matters. "Our idea of training," says Bell's Life in London, "is simple enough. All the athlete has to do is take plenty of exercise, live temperately, eat the best and simplest food, drink little, and smoke less. If possible, do entirely without the latter luxury, but should the athlete be a confirmed smoker, a few whiffs at bed time will do him less harm than constantly hankering after a pipe. Further, in most cases hard work before breakfast should be avoided, and do not make the training so arduous that the man's energies become exhausted before the race. It is better for him to be a bit "above himself" than the reverse, moderation in all things should be the motto, and it is not only unnecessary, but absolutely hurtful to run or walk the full distance in repeated trials. If the novice is worth anything you can give him speed; his gaminess ought to pull him through on the day. These a long experience shows to be golden rules, but it must not be forgotten that what will suit one man may fail with another. The trainer, therefore, should study his man's constitution as a doctor does that of his patient. Above all things, also, keep him cheerful and confident; the body is always governed by the mind. Make your man think he is sure to win, and he will do so if fast enough. If not, and you have followed the spirit of these simple instructions, you will at all events have the satisfaction of having done everything in your power to insure success; The best of trainers can do no more.
