

The Law School propose to put an eighth upon the river next spring which shall for them credit in the class races. An eitht has not been formed in this department since 1879 when their crew came in a good third out of the five boats entered. This winter there has been a renewal of the boating fever in the school, and active preparations have begun. Abundant and good material is at hand from which to select, and it will not be difficult for them to find eight men suitable for a race of two miles. At present only the new men are practising, the old oars preferring to wait until the season is more advanced. Seven men are at work on the hydraulics under the care of Mr. E. T. Cabot, '83. They are:

2. C. S. Hamlin, '83.

3. R. Grant.

4. W. A. Henry.

5. L. Smith.


6. G. D. Braman.

7. J. H. B. Easton, '83.

Str. T. C. Bachelder, '83.

With one or two exceptions they are all heavy men, averaging as much as the class crews. The old oarsmen who are expected to take seats in the boat later on are Ch. P. Curtis,'83, F. L. Sawyer, '83, and E. T. Cabot, '83, all of whom have at some time during the last three years occupied seats in the 'varsity, and Horace Binney, '83, and H. G. Chapman, '83, who have had experience in their class boat.
