

Whatever may be the merit of the young gentlemen of the University of Pennsylvania as oarsmen, it cannot now be denied that they have an abundance of conceit. The boat club, in expressing, in writing, to Ellis Ward its appreciation of the valuable services rendered to the club by his unselfish devotion to its interests during the past five years, "unanimously resolve that, by his faithful, untiring and skilful efforts, he has brought the club from a state of obscurity to a foremost position among the colleges of America, Whether successful or defeated, the unparalleled and matchless form displayed by the crews of the University of Pennsylvania has invariably elicited the widespread praise of the newspaper press of the country, and has on more than one occasion driven the boat over the finish ahead of more powerful but less skilful opponents. Believing that the prominent position occupied by the university is owing to one man alone, we offer him, our trainer, these resolutions, as but expressing in a small measure the esteem in which the college boat club and the University of Pennsylvania hold the value of his work." [Boston Herald.]
