

Skating on Charles River.

Another Lampoon out to day.

1,098 orphan boys are being educated at Girard college.

The election for Vice-President will be held at dinner tonight, at Memorial.

The Yale freshman nine will soon commence training.


Bicycle club medals can be obtained between 11 and 1 o'clock today, at 21 Weld.

The last theme due before the midyears, in English 5, must be handed in today.

Students of Political Economy, 2, 4, and 6, will hand in blue books at the next recitation.

E. L. Richards, '85. Yale's famous goal kicker, has been appointed captain of the football team for next year.

Two gentlemen have lately gone from Cincinnati to New Orleans in canoes. The voyage took just thirty-two days.

Most of the instructors desire the men in their sections to hand in blue books at the next recitations.

Hon. Wm. M. Evarts, Yale '37, has been re-elected president of the Union League Club, of New York.

The St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons is in danger of failure, owing to financial mismanagement.

James Russel Lowell has accepted the presidency of the Birmingham and Midland Institute for the ensuing year.

Mr. Hart will devote an extra hour to a review of the term's work in history, a week from today.
