

We invite all members of the university to contribute to our columns, but we do not hold ourselves responsible for any sentiments advanced in communications. Anonymous contributions will not be accepted.

EDITORS HERALD-CRIMSON.-Many students are unable to sleep well after hard study without first drawing the blood from their heads by bodily exercise. They ought to spend an hour in the gymnasium at the close of their day's work, and go to bed immediately on returning to their rooms. It is presumably to allow this that the gymnasium is opened in the evening. But the benefit is lost to a great extent by closing at so early an hour. Exercise is stopped at 9.30. The student must leave his study before 8.30. To go to bed immediately after exercise allows only two hours for a night's work. This is too little, and by an hour's study after returning to his room the student loses most of the benefit of his exercise. The expense of keeping the gymnasium lighted and heated an hour longer could not be much; it seems a pity to save money in such a way. The benefit derived from it would be many-fold the expense, especially at the present time, when the students are working hard in preparation for the midyears, and need above all things the benefit of sound sleep.

