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Now that the class of '87 has equaled, at least, the record of its predecessor in foot-ball, there only remains for it to surpass that of '86 on the diamond. Never have the base-ball prospects of a freshman class been brighter than those of the present freshman class. Excelling its opponent in numbers, athletic facilities, and support, it certainly equals Yale '87 in material and enthusiasm. Among the numerous candidates for a position in the nine, many are already well-known as players of no mean skill; some are prominent from their past records. But the class has opposed to it a class asready remarked for its persevering spirit and determination to succeed. The very name of Yale seems to carry with it, in the field, some premonition of success for the blue. The only thing which can destroy this prestige is work. An honest and determined effort on the part of each candidate which shall not be relaxed when a place has once been won, is absolutely necessary for ultimate success. Close attention to the directions of the captain and implicit obedience to his orders will go far towards instilling a spirit of self-confidence into the minds of the players themselves, and invoking reliance from the supporters of the nine. Individual glory must be considered secondary to that of the team. The power of playing as a unit, and of playing with determination can only be gained by playing hard to the very end. The nine in its present state is in its most critical condition. An honest, determined competion and a judicious selection of players can result only from the decided work of each man playing at his best. Each candidate should remember that he is competing for a place in a nine which has it within its power, if it wish, to break the long and uninterrupted series of Yale victories.
