Within a few days we have heard of the death of Chunder Sen, a distinguished Hindoo reformer. During the past twenty years India, with its two hundred millions of inhabitants, has made great strides in civilization and Christianity. The late death of Chunder Sen has brought to light many interesting facts concerning the spread of Christianity among the Hindoos. This wonderful man has done much towards raising his countrymen from idolatry and paganis mto Christianity, and he has now many followers who are spreading his ideas throughout the entire country. Chunder Sen originated these ideas, as it were, spontaneously, and in spite of the threats of his family to disown him, he lectured to the natives and endeavored to have them conform to his own ideas. He succeeded so well that he was invited to come to England and lecture. This to come to England and lecture. This he did, and everywhere the people were astonished at his broad views; and wherever he spoke he was listened to by great audiences.
Although Chunder Sen did not believe wholly in Christianity as we do, yet his main ideas were similar to those of the Christian religion. Under his ministration, the natives of India have become much more civilized, and although his death caused profound sorrow everywhere, yet he has a large number of disciples who are still disseminating his doctrines among the people; and it is hoped that in the course of time India will give up paganism and turn to Christianity. W. A.
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