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Dr. Charles Waldstein, of the class of '75, Columbia College, and now lecturer in King's College, and Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, England, will give three lectures on art and archaeology, at Columbia college, on the following two subjects: "The Influence of Athletic Games on Greek Art;" "The Spirit of the Art of Phidias." These subjects we know are of fully as great interest to the student of Harvard as of Columbia. It the Harvard Art Club had given any assurance of the least vitality during the present year, we would suggest that it make an effort to induce Dr. Waldstein to repeat his lectures in Cambridge. As it is we would appeal to the college authorities, if possible, to take the same step. The interest in Dr. Waldstein's work, as from time to time reported in this country, has always been very lively. As an American scholar his achievements in classical archaeology have stimulated a pride in his work that is not confined to his alma mater, but is felt equally here at Harvard, where of late years the study of his subject has received such an impetus from the efforts of Professors Norton and White.
