

There will be no lecture in Fine Arts VII tomorrow, Wednesday.

The third Armory Hall Assembly will occur this evening.

A banjo club has been formed at Columbia.

Amherst enjoys a vacation of 23 days at Christmas.

Yale opened for the winter term last Friday, Jan. 11th.


There are at present 407 undergraduates at Cornell.

The class of '86, at Columbia, is $635.15 in debt.

There is a demand for better fire escapes at Yale.

It is to be hoped that a large number of members will attend the bicycle club "Smoker" tonight.

The Hasty Pudding catalogue, containing the names of present and past members, will soon be issued.

All the departments of the University of Mississippi have been opened to women.

Oberlin has received a gift of $50,000, with which to support a school of music.

The Yale "navy" is the only branch of college athletics which depends upon voluntary subscriptions entirely

Brown offers 100 scholarships and 16 premiums for excellence in the work of the college course.

The annual 'varsity race between Oxford and Cambridge is to be rowed in March.

Messrs. Strong and Crehore, the members of the Yale Glee Club who were so badly injured by the railway smashup in Indiana, are reported as doing finely.

Cornell has offered a professorship of modern English to Charley Dudley Warner.

Several Harvard men have signified their intention of entering the sparring at the winter sports of the Union Club of Boston.

It is probable that the annual regatta of the National Association of Amateur Oarsman will this year be held on the Charles River course.

Hereafter the Christmas vacation at Yale will be only two weeks instead of three, and the term will close a week earlier in June.

The Yale football association has a surplus of $600 in the treasury, the past season having been extremely successful.

The officers of the Pudding theatricals are, Wyeth, acting manager; Underwood, stage manager; Osborne, musical director; Abbett, business manager.

The Harvard Union will this evening debate the question: "Resolved, That the requirement of Greek for admission to Harvard College should be abolished."

Among the long needed improvements which have recently been made at the gymnasium are permanent wooden screens to cut off the view of the basement stairs from those standing behind the public rail.

The examination in Greek 3, will consist of five parts: Aristophanes at sight; a passage from the Acharnians; questions on the subject matter of the Acharnians; a passage from the Philippice; Demosthenes at sight.

Instruction is offered by the Correspondence University, of Ithaca, N. Y., in ancient and modern languages, mathematics, history, physiology, zoology, anatomy, agriculture, botany, civil-engineering, and drawing.

A private training school similar to St. mark's, and St. Paul's, is to be founded at Groton, Mass., this year. The sum of $100,000 has been guaranteed as a foundation for the school, and buildings will be erected in the spring. Rev. Phillips Brooks is said to be interested in the project.

Of the present New York bar, Wm. M. Evarts, ex-secretary of state, and a Yale graduate, is considered the most prominent figure. Mr. Joseph H. Choate, who presided at our last alumni dinner in Memorial Hall, is the greatest wit and one of the best advocates in the Middle States.
