

There will be no lecture in Fine Arts VII tomorrow, Wednesday.

The third Armory Hall Assembly will occur this evening.

A banjo club has been formed at Columbia.

Amherst enjoys a vacation of 23 days at Christmas.

Yale opened for the winter term last Friday, Jan. 11th.


There are at present 407 undergraduates at Cornell.

The class of '86, at Columbia, is $635.15 in debt.

There is a demand for better fire escapes at Yale.

It is to be hoped that a large number of members will attend the bicycle club "Smoker" tonight.

The Hasty Pudding catalogue, containing the names of present and past members, will soon be issued.

All the departments of the University of Mississippi have been opened to women.

Oberlin has received a gift of $50,000, with which to support a school of music.

The Yale "navy" is the only branch of college athletics which depends upon voluntary subscriptions entirely

Brown offers 100 scholarships and 16 premiums for excellence in the work of the college course.

The annual 'varsity race between Oxford and Cambridge is to be rowed in March.
